Neurofeedback has many applications: anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, ADHD & Dys, autism …. It helps relieve symptoms and optimize brain functions: attention, concentration, memory, fatigue, stress, emotional management, etc. The quality of life improves and the body functions more harmoniously.
Neurofeedback has been classified as a solid way of treating disorders according to extensive studies! A quick search on Pubmed under the terms “biofeedback” and “neurofeedback” gives access to a large number of studies for more than 50 years, constituting a solid scientific basis. Many serious studies with a randomized protocol have demonstrated beneficial effects and their long-term maintenance.
This technique works thanks to the basic mechanisms of brain functioning and learning (neuroplasticity and operant conditioning). The brain is a muscle, it can learn and change throughout our lives.
Beware, there are different types of Neurofeedback! Some have been proven for a long time, others do not work or are very badly practiced by untrained people, ending up painting a negative picture of Neurofeedback.
No, it was the work of Dr. Barry Stermann in 1967 in which he used cats that led to the development of neurofeedback. Animals, unlike humans, are not subject to placebo effects.
He carried out 2 experiments: the first one showed that cats were able to modify their brain activity to get more food.
In the second study, Stermann found that these same cats from the first study were better protected from NASA rocket fuel poisoning during testing (it triggered seizures in the astronauts), compared to the group of cats that had not done the first experiment.
The reason? In the first study, scientists asked the cats to increase their Sensori-Motor Rythm (SMR: 12 to 15 Hz) in the brain: this major discovery opened the field to neurofeedback and a treatment for epilepsy.
Learn more about the discovery and development of neurofeedback →
No, there is no risk. The qEEG allows us to measure brain function, it is essential to assess the brain before Neurofeedback to know what is possible or not. Each of us is different, the training must be personalized to ensure good efficiency. Thanks to our tools, our training and our experience with more than 1,600 trained brains, neurofeedback is safe to practice by applying the Standards of Practice taught in the training courses.
Yes, but they are rare. A metallic implant in the head or a recent open wound can disturb the electroencephalogram recording and in this case we cannot guarantee good results. This should be discussed with the team beforehand.
Unstable psychological states (e.g. unstabilized schizophrenia) or substance addictions without prior withdrawal can compromise the results of neurofeedback.
Mild side effects are possible after the first few neurofeedback sessions: fatigue, or a slight pressure on the head (much weaker than a headache). As with a sports session, the brain may feel sore or tired after a session. This condition does not last more than a few hours. If you follow our advice and apply our recommendations, you reduce the risk of having side effects.
The success rate estimated by studies is 80%. It concerns the research field and neurofeedback alone, most often practiced in 2 or 4 channels.
Our approach focuses on 19-channel Loreta Z-score neurofeedback, combined with magnetic and electrical neuromodulation as well as photobiomodulation. This combination of tools has a higher success rate and allows us to achieve positive, strong and stable results more quickly.
Yes, the brain is capable of learning new things and retaining information over the long term. Just like riding a bike, even if you don’t ride for 5 years, you still know how to pedal. It is not necessary to do neurofeedback for life.
A large number of studies have tried to measure the stability of the effects of neurofeedback over a longer or shorter period of time: up to 10 years after neurofeedback treatment, the recorded benefits are still present.
No, medications are not contraindicated with neurofeedback. Our experience has shown the contrary: thanks to neurofeedback, many of our clients have been able to reduce or even stop their medication (with the approval of their referring physician or psychiatrist).
It is imperative that you always keep us informed about the names and dosages of your medications, and if these change during neurofeedback.
Yes, we strongly recommend that you take action on various aspects of your daily life (therapy, medication, nutritionist, etc.). Difficulties occur as a result of a succession of events. It is therefore necessary to set up follow-ups on several levels in order to act.
Neurofeedback can be done as early as 4 or 5 years old and as late as 90 years old, without any age limit.
A neurofeedback session consists of several steps.
It is always preceded bya qEEG (or BrainMap) evaluation.
Neurofeedback sessions last a total of 1 hour, including setup, stimulation and training.
Each brain is different, the total number of sessions will depend on the reasons for consultation, the severity of the symptoms, etc. On average, after 10 to 15 sessions your goal will be reached.
A minimum of 10 sessions is required. Why? A single neurofeedback session will give you immediate relief, but it will not last over time. In order to learn to better regulate itself and adapt to its environment on its own, the brain has to repeat the exercise several times before it masters it.
At least once a week, but it is possible to do more. We have a special program for people coming from far away.
Why at least once a week? Let’s take the example of reading: before becoming automatic (reading without effort), we had to learn to decipher letters, then syllables, then words, etc.
With regular practice, reading became mastered and automatic. It is the same for the brain, you have to repeat the neurofeedback sessions regularly and closely until the brain knows how to do it easily by itself.
In some countries yes, but this is not (yet?) the case in Luxembourg.
There is no contraindication to perform these tests. However, a metallic implant in the head can disturb the recording of the electroencephalogram and in this case we cannot guarantee good results.
No, because the analysis of the data is not the same. The neurologist observes the raw trace while the qEEG requires additional quantitative analyses.
Yes, in your interest, as well as in ours, it is essential to know the brain we are going to train. Hence the need to do a qEEG (or brain map) beforehand.
No. It is up to you whether or not you want to do neurofeedback after your initial assessment results. The decision is yours.
After the EEG measurement, it takes a minimum of one week to perform the analysis and write detailed written reports of your results. During your qEEG (or Brain map) session, we will arrange a second appointment, either on site or remotely, to report your results.
Neurofeedback Luxembourg respects the professional secrecy and confidentiality of the client. However, at the client’s request, it is possible to get in touch with the professional(s) who are following him/her.
If additional specific reports are required, these will be charged. We will inform you in advance if this is the case.
Talk to a specialist over the phone to determine together the solution that best suits your needs and budget.
Free call with no obligation.
We are not doctors or psychiatrists. Therefore, we do not diagnose, we do not prescribe medication, we do not cure illnesses and we are not an emergency center. We often help people reduce or even stop their medication in agreement with the health professional who follows you. Please note that you do not need a prescription or a diagnosis to make an appointment at Neurofeedback Luxembourg.
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