Applications of neurofeedback

Treatment of autism with Neurofeedback

autism treatment neurofeedback

Conference: Unlocking the potential -Neurofeedback Therapy & Autism

This video is available in english and french on our youtube channel.

Neurofeedback: A Promising Therapy for Autism Support

Being neurodivergent means facing challenges and obstacles on a daily basis. But that doesn’t mean they’re insurmountable or will prevent us from accessing our future. Everyone deserves the chance to thrive despite the challenges of autism, and to lead a satisfying life.

Neurofeedback therapy is an approach that offers a glimmer of hope to families and individuals affected by autism. The goal is to reduce symptoms. Thanks to this non-invasive method, we can harness the brain’s incredible capacity to rewire and develop, enabling improved communication and emotional regulation.

Neurotherapy treatment in Autism: Safe, Non-Invasive & Effective

Neurofeedback therapy, also called EEG biofeedback, is a non-invasive therapy that monitors brain activity in real time to help individuals regulate their brainwave patterns to promote self-regulation. For individuals on the autism spectrum, whose brains may respond differently to sensory input, this training can be particularly beneficial. Neurofeedback works by guiding the brain toward healthier, more balanced brainwaves patterns activity, potentially improving behavior, focus, and emotional regulation. 

Curious about what happens during a neurofeedback session? Discover the step-by-step process and learn how it can make a difference for everybody. Read more on our Neurofeedback training page!

Neurofeedback post-treatment outcomes for autism

What sets our neurofeedback approach apart is its highly personalized nature. We understand that every individual with autism is unique, with different strengths, challenges, and brain patterns. Through detailed qEEG brain mapping, we can identify specific areas and create a targeted treatment plan.

Client case

This is the case of a young boy with autism, who was having issue with language and emotion management. Below, you can have a look at the EEG analysis and the brain waves.

Autism Neurofeedback treatment results before
Before neurofeedback
Autism Neurofeedback treatment results before
After neurofeedback

Learn more about what a qEEG is and how it lead to a detailed personalised brain mapping on the dedicated page Quantitative EEG & BrainMap →

Improving Life with Autism: The Benefits of Neurofeedback

Social Interaction

Emotional Regulation

Sensory Processing

Cognitive Function

Behavioral Patterns

Sleep and Physical Well-being

Why Neurofeedback Works for Autism Spectrum

Testimonial : Leyla’s progress - a Non-Speaking Child on the Autism Spectrum

Leyla’s mother, like many parents of autistic children, sought therapies to make a difference. Discovering neurofeedback was transformative. After just ten sessions combined with the Safe and Sound Protocol, Leyla — a non-speaking child with mild to moderate autism — started imitating, communicating, and connecting with her family in new ways. Her mother wholeheartedly recommends the compassionate, science-based team in Luxembourg!

“My daughter was diagnosed at the age of 2 and a half. Leyla is a sweet, calm girl with mild to moderate autism. She doesn’t speak, doesn’t imitate, doesn’t understand and has a slightly shifty gaze. Leyla was still wearing diapers at that time..

I first learned about Neurofeedback from a mother who used the Thomatis therapy and Oxygenotherapie therapy for her multihandicapped daughter, which I also used for Leyla. Then I searched online and came across a conference on YouTube about Neurofeedback in Luxembourg. It was Mélanie and François speaking in the video. After watching it, I was immediately interested. I spoke to Mélanie by telephone. Then we scheduled a Brain Map and 10 Neurofeedback sessions. After 10 neurofeedback sessions and the safe and sound there were noticible changes ! Leyla began to repeat all the words we told her to repeat, with pronunciation that wasn’t great but it was huge progress. She started to imitate and repeat. She’s more present with us, and our glances are friendly and reciprocal. She smiles when we smile at her. And now : Leyla is potty-trained and no longer wears a diaper during the day.

I dropped the Tomatis and Oxygenotherapy therapies because they weren’t scientifically proven. And there were no concrete cases of autism for whom it had worked. I really advise you to go and do the neurofeedback sessions in Luxembourg. They know a lot and the building is super pretty. The initial assessment and analysis carried out by the team is very detailed, and they really go deep to explain in detail the problems and dysfunctions of the brain.

For your information, I come from the east of France, and even if someone told me there was a neurofeedback center near my home, I wouldn’t go. We have already re-scheduled sessions for Leyla.”

Classical Solutions and interventions for Autism Spectrum

Very important : an early intervention leads to the best developmental outcome (acting before 12yo is the best, but it’s never too late !)

Medication and supplements

Behavioral Interventions for Autism - Children and Adults

What is Autism ?



In the 90s, 5 in 10,000 people were diagnosed with Autism. Today, it’s 1 in 36 children.

Graph prevalence autism sds taca

Image : prevalence of autism since 2000 

“The CDC prevalence figure shows a true increase in those being diagnosed with autism. We are not better at diagnosing. There is no widening of the diagnostic criteria or any other excuses. We have more autism. With the reality of this increase, I hope more people will care. As the number of cases continues to increase at an alarming rate the result is that more and more families and their children need services and support,” from Lisa Ackerman, Founder and Executive Director of TACA

Data in Luxembourg about autism spectrum disorders

A neurodevelopmental disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong developmental condition, like ADHD, that is present from birth.

Why “Autism Spectrum” disorder?

Because autism varies widely: symptoms, intensity, and combinations differ greatly, reflecting diverse profiles—with or without intellectual disabilities or other associated conditions.

About the Symptoms

Autism symptoms often appear within the first 3 years but can be subtle or delayed, especially in females who often mask traits, complicating diagnosis, similar to ADHD. Autism is 4x more common in males. Autism symptoms vary widely, making early detection challenging. While some signs are easy to spot, they don’t represent the entire spectrum.

Common Early Signs in Young Children

Signs in Children and Adults

Social & Communication Challenges
Behavioral Patterns
Sensory Differences
Cognitive and Emotional Difficulties
Other Characteristics

Comorbidity in autism

Disorders frequently associated with autism


Etiology & causes of autism : multifactorial

If you are interested in deep diving this subject, watch our webinar at the top of the page that develops these points.


High-functioning autism refers to individuals on the autism spectrum with average or above-average intelligence and milder symptoms. They often have good verbal skills and can manage daily tasks independently but face challenges in:

  • Social interaction and communication
  • Understanding social cues and figurative language
  • Restricted interests and repetitive behaviors
  • Sensory sensitivities

HFA is not a formal medical diagnosis but describes those with Level 1 ASD (lower support needs). While less daily support is needed, social and environmental adaptability can still be difficult.

There is no single “best” therapy for autism, as effective treatments depend on individual needs. Evidence-based therapies include:

  • ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis for behavior management
  • ESDM: Early Start Denver Model for young children
  • Occupational Therapy: Enhances play, self-care, and social skills
  • Speech Therapy: Improves communication
  • CBT: Helps with anxiety and mental health challenges

Tailored, combined therapies and early intervention yield the best outcomes.

Yes, autistic individuals can live meaningful lives, pursuing education, careers, and relationships. Their experiences may differ but can be fulfilling with the right support.

Autism has no cure, but therapies like ABA and early intervention can improve symptoms and quality of life. Complete recovery is unlikely.

Yes, autism has a strong genetic component, with heritability estimates between 60% and 90%. Around 80% of cases are linked to inherited genetic mutations.

Autism is lifelong, but symptoms and challenges evolve over time rather than worsen.

Definitive prenatal testing for autism does not exist. However, anomalies seen in ultrasounds and ongoing genetic research suggest potential for early detection in the future.

Book a free teleconsultation

Talk to a specialist over the phone to determine together the solution that best suits your needs and budget.

Free call with no obligation.

Addresses in Luxembourg for Autism

Books for autism


  • “L’autisme expliqué aux non-autistes” – Brigitte Harrisson et Lise St-Charles.
  • “Sais-tu pourquoi je saute?” – Naoki Higashida
  • “La Différence invisible” – Mademoiselle Caroline et Julie Dachez
  • “L’autisme chez l’enfant : Détecter, comprendre et accompagner mon enfant” – Myriam Bost
  • “Écouter l’autisme” – Anne Idoux-Thivet
  • “L’Asperger au féminin” – Rudy Simone
  • “Autisme au féminin” – Adeline Lacroix



  • “Autism 24/7: A Family Guide to Learning at Home and in the Community” – Andy Bondy et Lori Frost
  • “Teaching social skills to people with autism: Best Practices in Individualizing Interventions” – Andy Bondy et Mary Jane Weiss
  • “Camouflage: The Hidden Lives of Autistic Women” – Sarah Bargiela et Sophie Standing
  • “Aspergirls: Empowering Females with Asperger Syndrome” – Rudy Simone

Supporting Autism with Neurofeedback: An Evidence-Based Therapy

Here are some highly regarded studies on neurofeedback therapy and autism that have used rigorous scientific protocols and have gained recognition in the field:

  • Kouijzer, M. E., de Moor, J. M., Gerrits, B. J., Congedo, M., & van Schie, H. T. (2009). Neurofeedback improves executive functioning in children with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3(1), 145-162.
  • Coben, R., & Padolsky, I. (2007). Assessment-guided neurofeedback for autistic spectrum disorder. Journal of Neurotherapy, 11(1), 5-23.
  • Wang, Y., Sokhadze, E. M., El-Baz, A. S., Li, X., Sears, L., Casanova, M. F., & Tasman, A. (2016). Relative power of specific EEG bands and their ratios during neurofeedback training in children with autism spectrum disorder. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 9, 723.
  • Carrick, F. R., Pagnacco, G., Hankir, A., Abdulrahman, M., Zaman, R., Kalambaheti, E. R., … & Oggero, E. (2018). The treatment of autism spectrum disorder with auditory neurofeedback: A randomized placebo controlled trial using the Mente Autism device. Frontiers in neurology, 9, 537.
  • Dobrushina, O. R., Vlasova, R. M., Rumshiskaya, A. D., Litvinova, L. D., Mershina, E. A., Sinitsyn, V. E., & Pechenkova, E. V. (2020). Modulation of Intrinsic Brain Connectivity by Implicit Electroencephalographic Neurofeedback. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 192.

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